Effortlessly Rearrange Multiple Tables in Your Database Diagram! DB Designer introduces an intuitive way to select and move multiple tables simultaneously, streamlining database organization and structure. Enhance your workflow with seamless table arrangement. Why...
Transform Database Table Styling with Our Advanced Color Picker! DB Designer introduces a powerful color picker tool, enabling you to customize your database tables with vibrant colors and palettes. Elevate your database designs with dynamic and visually distinct...
Supercharge Your Databricks Experience with Seamless Schema Management! DB Designer now offers powerful Databricks Reverse & Forward Engineering Import/Export features. With intuitive tools, you can effortlessly design, import, and export schemas in multiple...
Revolutionizing Blockchain Databases with Innovative Schema Design! DB Designer proudly introduces a comprehensive blockchain database schema for modern decentralized applications. This powerful schema offers blockchain-based systems unparalleled efficiency,...
Revolutionizing Schema Editing with Markup Editor Support! DB Designer is excited to introduce a game-changing feature: Markup Editor support for adding, editing, and removing tables and fields. This powerful enhancement brings speed, efficiency, and precision to...
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